Friday, August 6, 2010

RATT at Oakland Metro Operahouse

Haha! Got a chance to see RATT at the Oakland Metro on Tuesday night. Had a total blast! I feel like this summer has been a string of show after show, lately going to and planning on going to see bands that are old enough to be my fathers. Awesome! Gotta do it now, may never happen again. Anyway, my friend Amanda runs Lava Booking, a local talent buying/agent company responsible for a lot of great shows here! She put on the RATT show, dealt with the band's shit, and still managed to come out stoked. What a woman! The dudes made the crowd wait a SUPER long time before coming onstage...for whatever reasons rockstars have for doing things that piss their fans off. When they finally did play though, they did us all proud and brought everyone back to their hair metal roots in a goooood way. Originally I was sort of questioning going, but since I'm saying yes to experiencing pretty much everything nowadays, (and I knew deep down it'd be fun), off to the show we went and thank baby metal jesus we did! Fun, fun, fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And now for the rest of the story:
The band's "lateness" resulted from waiting to be paid by the venue/promoter, which took nearly an hour past the time the band had been scheduled to go onstage.
A typical hour load in and set up ran about seven hours because sound, lights, and stage were not ready for the band's crew.
The venue was undercutting the band's merch sales by selling shirts from bands nor on the bill for less than the shirts offered by the bands playing.
In spite of the house's fails, the band did indeed rock the house, and a good time was (eventually) had by all.