Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Let There Be Light!

So, we've finally got a window in our bedroom!

This little guy was a long time coming. We had been discussing different ways to get natural light into the room, since it had been completely framed in w/o it when the original warehouse converters built it. I (as well as many others) find it stupidly hard to get out of bed in the mornings, even though I do feel I am more productive and do my best work in the morning. Of course, one of the reasons for this is probably due to not having morning light in the room at all. We have literally had no sense of night or day since last March. No wonder there are motivational problems about! No more!

Here is our new window in its infant stages, from the loft view looking in..

From the bedroom view looking out..

There will still be a lot added to make it absolutely wonderful!

While Barrett was hard at work giving us light, I set to work on making a comfy workspace...

I dragged the removed window bars that I was originally planning a vine-climbing for into the space for a makeshift bulletin space. There are so many opportuities to stick both papers and items in the spaces for inspiration...I couldn't turn it away!

So goes another day..

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