Saturday, October 11, 2008

Some weekend chores and the reason you're not rich

Well... a few things got done this weekend. And by weekend, I mean my weekend, which is Friday-Saturday. I do work tomorrow. As much as I used to say I loved my old days off, Tues-Weds, I admit it was because I had forgotten how many things there are to do on a Saturday. We've actually got quite a few farmer's markets around here, almost every single day, and flea markets galore! None of which, however, I attended today.

I did do these things..
made a bit of hot barbeque sauce..

dehydrated some strawberries...

cleaned and repurposed 5 glass jars...I'm not sure why I find the sight of beans and grains in jars to so pretty.

devised a plan to use a pile of warped floorboard we have, and a window cage we took off as a windbreak for the plants in our front area...

Our door is at the end of a driveway which acts as a giant wind tunnel. The plants look a bit weathered to say the least. I'm thinking if I can get them cut in 1/2 or 1/3 vertical pieces, I can weave them through the bars of the cage, with minimum materials required to fix them there...just some old fashioned muscle. I may need to borrow Barrett for that part :) Then, I could prop the thing up between the plants and the wind! Voila! no money, no class....100% function!

I read an interesting short article about ten reasons "You're not rich". Attaining monetary wealth is the last of my concerns, but I laughed at quite a few of the points that were made because they illustrate the American human condition today. Some of it is ho-hum...but the best ones are the completely accurate "wealthy" or "well-off" viewed situations, but are really just "kid too small for his britches" scenarios.. My generation has been brought up in a world where most were handed everything they needed. The ultimate convenience era, the lack of skill development, the height of laziness...
Speaking of things that don't really matter. Here's a vice of mine...I think everyone needs one or two things that they can focus on that let some steam out. I don't personally own a TV, so I actually go places to follow up on this, but its a great release..
The Sharks won tonight! 3-1 against the Kings.

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