Wednesday, November 7, 2007

putting it all down

a lot of miscellaneous, random crap. feelings have overtaken me lately. i've been slacking. i'm sorry.
the cat has taken to burrowing. i think he's part groundhog.

saw this movie in huh?

"when the smoking gun is in the form of a mushroom cloud"

a couple of mini-pot-pie incarnations i cooked up. 1 veggies, taters and gravy, with broccoli and marinara, and 1 rice, beans, salsa tofu, with spicy black bean sauce and soy mozzerella, with sauteed squash and zucchini. yummy.


My buddy Matt came into town a little while ago, touring with a couple bands. We hung out at the show. It was at a local skating rink of all places. The kids went crazy of course. Reminded me of high school...
Scarlett Grey

Silent Envy


When I went back to Lone Pine for Wayne's service, I stayed at my friend Tia's house. Her baby Rylee LOVES bubbles...


some sprouting..

beginning to take over...

full on!!

Barrett, Nicole and I went to the Independent and saw Panthers, Mono, and High on Fire.
This is Mono, a four piece Japanese instrumental ambient metal band. We were not expecting much but were quickly pulled in and amazed. The bass player kind of reminded us of the creepy girl from The Ring, but in a weird "dreamwoman" kind of way.

Theres not a lot to be said about High on Fire. Just...loud, amazing. "brutal"

Halloween came and went without much celebration. We did, however dress up. Barrett and Angel were Wayne and Garth.

Amber was the little mermaid, although she looks a lot more like Miss Argentina from Beetlejuice. We went and hung out at one of Barrett's co-workers house. Lots of guitar hero and laptopping...we're a bunch of nerds.


that is all. Google "Cheney Impeachment" to update yourself on an important CURRENT event. Its all going on now.

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