Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Locked in!

One of the many hazards of living in a shared community environment is turf in front of your front door being compromised. Our existence is of course on a hush-hush basis, but not so much to the point that we cannot enter and exit the premises!!

Our door, which is on the right, was blocked from opening!
This happened for a couple of reasons....our neighbor Beto, who had a massive marble shop, was forced to clean up and move out a lot of his outdoor work area into 1 of his 3 warehouse spaces. He had a ton of shit left to make a temp wall. It was exra windy on saturday night which caused one of those temp walls to fall....smashing one of our chairs into splinters, catapaulting one over a car....and otherwise causing stress and havoc. Feeeeeelings have been mended and things are ok now :)

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