Wednesday, January 30, 2008

first post 'o the year..a looong one!

OH my goodness its been over a month! You all know how the holidays go...crazy crazy. Between driving all over california and adopting a million animals out at work, I have been TIRED! So here's a sampling of the past month's activities..I promise to never get so far behind....(lets hope)

these two are a little older....some interesting things Barrett came across at work

some craziness at that special time of year
beer-pong @ mona's

asshole parkjob

santa on the brain

tuckered out kitten

mustache makes a comeback


Maggie the border collie pup

and a seriously comfy cat

found a rad pizza place with a giant screen for watching Sharks hockey...and fabulous veggie no-cheese pizza!

Barrett and I drove down to the San Diego area for Christmas to see the fams. We had to take seperate cars since our work schedules were different. Now, the drive down the 5 is treacherous enough, but monotony gets an entire new definition when meant to describe 8 hours on the 5 freeway on Christmas Eve.
the reason for the season, so eloquently mentioned on a gas station t-shirt

driving myself literally crazy

and then resembling one of the Children of the Corn

then....after the settling in..we finally got to the important stuff. COOKIES! Britt made yummy vegan friendly sugar cookies and frosting....


Moving on to New Years. Nichole had a rager at her humble abode in the Mission. From East Coast frat boys to Santa Rosa thugs...we had it all. I spotted an actual keg-stand or two. Mostly it was just crowded, though.

nothing a few drinks can't fix...or just blur

and tell me what the significance of a clown in an old-school football get-up is?

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