Thursday, June 3, 2010

What's up lately?

Yesterday was my 27th birthday. I feel pretty decent about it. I've got major Peter Pan syndrome. I feel pretty decent about that as well. Life has actually been incredibly fun over the past year! So many new friends and experiences and horizons have presented themselves to me :) I've grown as a person...I've helped a lot of people...and I've found love in an incredible free spirit of a man.

The realtionship we have is a lot different than anything I've previously a good way... I've learned so much about myself and how to be independant. His band does a LOT of touring, which forces us to really make the time we spend together when he's home count. The important parts of experiencing life and all its little wonders really stand out. What more could a person ask for?

<3 <3 <3

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